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A guide on outreach tools and their benefits


Traditional marketing certainly has its uses, but wait till you try influencer marketing, also known as blogger outreach. It’s faster, efficient, and relatively cheaper. The process involves finding influencers with a significant online following and leveraging them to enhance your online presence. In exchange, you might offer the blogger free samples of your product or service. Since they already have a significant fanbase, you can ensure your brand gets attention when they review it. However, to find the right bloggers, you need a good set of outreach tools. It has plenty of benefits, from building a contact list to running an outreach campaign. What are its other benefits, how does it work, and how can you select the right tools?

What are outreach tools?

As mentioned above, outreach is done by contacting and building relationships with the right bloggers for your business. You can do that manually by making a list and sending them emails separately. That will work just fine on a small scale, even though it’s time-consuming and expensive. But when you need to send bulk emails on a large scale, you will need blogger outreach software. These tools will find the right contacts and send them emails automatically. There are different types of tools available, each with a varying set of features. For example, some might include monitoring campaigns, while others may offer personalized outreach options. You will also find many that are available with pre-built templates.

What are some of the benefits of outreach tools?

Helping you find the right influencers

Even though there are many successful influencers, you need to find one that suits your business. They must be connected to it in some way. For example, if your product is a health supplement, the blogger’s work should revolve around the fitness industry. That way, any review done by them will not look like a pure marketing gimmick. Some tools provide the option of finding bloggers based on metrics. Others let you search bloggers within a few minutes by employing suitable filters.

Sending automated personalized emails

Although contacting the right influencers is crucial, that by itself is not enough. It would help if you got noticed by creating a solid pitch. One of the ways of doing that is adding a personal touch to your emails. Addressing them by name, mentioning their blogs and what you find appealing about their website are some ways of establishing a personalized touch. Since you will be contacting many bloggers at once, creating manually customized emails can be almost impossible. Outreach tools will customize the outreach process and add a personal touch automatically to all your emails. Based on the type of blogger, it will send the right kind of mail to create an instant engagement.

Tracking your results

After you’ve sent your list of automatic personalized emails, you need to know their response rates. Are the influencers interested in them? Outreach tools help you monitor the clicks, replies, and opens. You will also get notified every time someone opens an email. It allows you to identify which blogger has the highest engagement rate. Some also let you observe the entire email behavior history in one go.

How to select the right tools?

There are different types of outreach tools available in the market. You need to select one based on factors like price, features, and reviews. Here are some tips that will help.


Different tools have different in-built features. It is better to go with one that offers a wide range of them. For example, some tools let you identify influencers, monitor progress, and search for the most trending topics in your industry. Others might help you find leads and verify email addresses. You can also find tools with advanced filters that find the right bloggers in the shortest time. There are some which let you engage the influencer across various online platforms. You could also compare the different features and see which ones you need the most.


Price is another factor that deserves your attention. Usually, every tool will have various paid plans that begin with a specific amount for every month. The prices vary depending on the number of features available. Instead of selecting the cheapest or most expensive tool, check its features and user-friendliness. You will also find free tools online, but they will come without the advanced features.


Try to read the reviews of any blogger outreach software before buying one. Visit their websites to see what other users think of them. Websites that specialize in reviewing outreach tools can also provide you with a good idea about them. You could also get in touch with others in your industry and see what outreach tools they are using.

Without the proper outreach tools, you will never get the results you want from influencer marketing. It helps you identify contacts, build a strategy, and monitor your progress, besides saving you significant time and energy.

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