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A Look At The Benefits Of A Streamlined Data Center

data center

Technology is driving the way businesses manage data. Instead of relying on filing cabinets, companies are turning to the cloud. However, some businesses may be hesitant to store their data offsite. Before you add data storage and management to your already full plate, it pays to consider taking advantage of a consolidated data center.

If you aren’t sure if it’s the right move for your organization, here’s a look at some of the primary strategic benefits of a streamlined data center.

4 Benefits a Streamlined Data Center Can Bring to Your Business

Operational Savings

Streamlining or consolidating your data center reduces overall equipment costs. Since you are using less equipment like servers, you can reduce the number of employees needed for maintenance. Your company can also save on hardware and software purchasing costs and licensing fees.

Reducing the number of necessary servers results in lower utility costs. You can further lower your electrical consumption rates by replacing the few remaining servers with energy-efficient models. Your organization may even save on rental fees. Since you are downsizing your data center, less space is needed to house the equipment.

Boost Efficiency

Creating the right size data center can help your business run more efficiently. Instead of worrying about ghost servers, you only have the equipment necessary to manage incoming and outgoing data. Utilization rates typically improve, along with energy usage rates, making it easier to implement more effective and efficient equipment cooling protocols.

You may also want to consider upgrading the data center’s infrastructure to truly maximize efficiency.

Improve Security

Data security is paramount for any organization across all industries. States and countries, like the US and Europe, have strict data privacy laws in place, and failing to maintain data security often results in hefty fines and other financial penalties. There is also the risk to your brand’s reputation if a security breach occurs.

By streamlining your data center, you have fewer access points to manage and for hackers to try and penetrate. This also makes monitoring your existing data storage and collection systems easier.

IT teams have fewer access points to monitor, allowing them to respond quickly to any potential security threats.

Meet Corporate Sustainability Goals

Sustainability is something most organizations are focusing on. Along with government initiatives, consumers are also looking for brands that support the environment and sustainable practices.

Streamlining your data center can help your company stand out by accomplishing the following,

Consolidating your data center may even apply toward your company’s LEED certification.

Simplify Your Business Management with a Streamlined Data Center

Without data, your business cannot function—however, this doesn’t mean you need multiple servers. Consolidating the data center into a few pieces of necessary equipment does more than produce savings.

You are also improving data security and reducing your carbon footprint. Best of all, streamlining a data center often results in significant savings. 

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