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Common Items People Forget To Pack When Traveling For Business

Traveling For Business

Traveling For Business was all but suspended for most of the world in 2020. Now that international travel has resumed – albeit with some mind-boggling rules and regulations – business travelers can now reach international appointments again.

While many business travelers intend to reduce the number of flights they take in the future, some will be eagerly embracing travel once more.

There are some common items business travelers forget on their journeys though. We take a look at some repeatedly forgotten items, and how to stop forgetting them.

A change of clothes

This seems like an obvious thing not to forget, but it is quite common to forget to pack a change of clothes when traveling long-haul for business.

Ensure your flight bag contains loungewear for the journey and business attire if you’re heading straight to a meeting when you land.


Unfortunately, business travel is not always jetting off to hot and sunny places for a good time.

An umbrella is an easy object to forget but can save your outfit and appearance if it suddenly rains where you go.

First Aid Kit

A first aid kit might not be the first thing you think of when traveling for business.

First aid kits can be essential in the event that you injure yourself, especially if you’re traveling solo.

Make sure your first aid kit contains essential items such as plasters, sanitizing wipes, and bandages before you travel.

Phone charger

The last thing you need when you’re heading to an important business meeting or event is a dead battery. Yet, phone, tablet, and laptop chargers are frequently forgotten by business travelers.

Invest in a spare charger and always keep it in your case or flight bag, ensuring you’re covered if you forget your chargers.

Glasses and Contact Lenses

It is easy to misplace our glasses and forget to pick up our contact lenses before we leave for trips. But when you’re traveling for business, you’ll undoubtedly need these items.

Invest in a second or third pair of glasses that you keep in your travel bags, just so you’re covered in the event of forgetting your specs.

Water Bottle and Snacks

Business trips can be packed full of long days and tiring meetings, you’ll need to stay fed and hydrated. However, it is easy to forget water bottles and healthy snacks when we travel.

Last but not the least, carry your international driver’s license along with the trip.  Get prepared and make a checklist before you travel so you never forget what you need for your business trips.

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