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Different types of Digital advertising methods    

Digital advertising  

In today’s world, there are different types of digital advertising that you can use to improve your company’s online presence and boost marketing efforts. Thanks to the dynamic progress in the online world, there is more than one way to deliver curated campaigns to increase your conversions.

To drive a well-curated campaign, you no longer need to have detailed technical knowledge. If you possess the right tools in your arsenal, you can easily achieve your marketing goals. Tools or managed services platforms like Fluid Ads enable you to build ads easily with HTML (hypertext markup language) plugins, find high traction platforms, and report statistical analysis.

In the world of abundant options, the key is to choose the right venue, time, and message to connect with the audience. Each of the marketing tactics has its own use-case and benefits.

Different types of Digital Advertising


Paid search advertisements can be seen at the top of the SERP (search engine result page) to respond to specific search queries on search engines like Bing and Google. The advertiser bids for the Adspace in the SERP and the corresponding keywords using Google Ads. Paid search advertising can also be known as PPC (pay per click) ads because the advertisers pay when the target audience clicks on their URL. This method is widely used as it delivers a high ROI (Return on investment). However, it requires some prerequisite knowledge of the intricacies of the search engine and other factors.

There is an upward drift in the number of people gaining access to smartphones each year. Mobile advertising is gaining traction, and the attention of marketers as mobile advertising is on the path to becoming the largest advertising platform.

People spend a significant amount of time on their smartphones, enabling marketers to show more advertisements to a larger audience. Mobile advertising includes display ads, SMS, mobile banner ads, and in-app advertisements.

It is the use of graphic, video, audio, or textual components on various ad publishing websites. Such features in the banner are designed to entice the target audience to click on ads and visit the destination URL. A majority of the marketers use Google Display Networks to distribute banners to publishing websites. With the help of platforms like Fluid Ads, you can create modern ads compatible with the HTML5 plugins for greater flexibility and a broad use-case.

Now, whenever you visit a new website, the browser asks permission to enable cookies. Retargeting websites use these cookies to identify the target group that has already shown interest in your products or service and show them ads of your products. E-commerce websites predominantly use retargeting to reignite the audience’s interest in the product to convert them into customers.

These advertisements are featured on various video platforms, either at the beginning of a video, middle or the end. A perfect example of video advertising is the ads on Youtube before the video starts. Moreover, with new updates in the HTML plugins, it is now easier to display video advertisements on other websites.

These are the most commonly used types of digital advertising, with each having its unique benefits. Running online advertising requires A/B testing to determine which type of advertising works best for your business. However, paid search advertising and display marketing are the most basic forms of online marketing with a higher ROI.

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