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Easy Secrets To Prolonging The Battery Life Of Your Mac


Although Mac is well-known for its amazing features, performance and lifespan, you cannot be really sure about the battery life. When it comes to the longevity of a battery, it doesn’t offer anything much more than the counterparts. Thankfully, there are some simple measures that can take you a long way to prolong the battery life of your system and run it without having to charge often. Let us list these measures for you.

Update to the latest OS version

The advantages of running the latest operating system version on your Mac are many in number and a longer battery life is one of them. The new versions have resolved a lot of fluctuation issues, which makes a quick move the best thing to do. This is a measure you must take, even if you aren’t struggling with battery life issues right now. The sooner, the better!

Keep an eye on battery condition

Batteries tend to get weaker over time and the system will die within a couple of hours if the life of batteries is near end. If you have been experiencing horrendous battery life, a replacement will be needed sober rather than later. macOS will warn you if there is a serious issue with your batteries. So you must keep an eye on the message and take action on the very first warning.

Ensure that your Mac is clean and clear of clutter 

Running an unoptimized Mac is the worst thing to do because it not only affects the performance but can eventually put a load on your batteries as well. If you have been accumulating redundant applications and files on the system, a periodic mac cleanup makes sense. It can prevent a host of problems, from misbehaving systems to quick draining of the battery. So make sure that you don’t let the junk grow and you will definitely see the difference.

Disable the keyboard backlight 

Something as simple as disabling the keyboard backlight can go a long way in making the system run longer. If you work in the dark routinely or have the keyboard backlight enabled just as a habit, consider turning them off for this good reason. Even though a backlit keyboard is a cool feature, you wouldn’t want to pay for it with a decrease in the battery life of your device.

Customize Energy Saver mode

The very obvious way to extend your battery life is to run the system on Energy Saver mode. The OS has a built-in Energy Saver mode, which you can turn on by accessing System Preferences, and selecting Energy Saver. Just minimize the time for which your screen should stay on while you are not using the system and you will end up saving significantly on your battery life.

Finally, the battery life of your Mac greatly depends on the way you use your device. Heavy usage will obviously cause them to drain them sooner. Similarly, you need to be careful about your charging routine. The best way to do it is by fully charging up the system, then draining it down entirely and charging it up fully again. Also, it is not recommended to keep the Mac plugged in at all times.

Author Bio: A technology expert and a consumer consultant, Brianna Mcartney, leads the content team at Outreach Monks with her marketing vision. She has been adding value to her clients’ business for close to a decade now.

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