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Get Ionic Training and Improve Your Career Options

Ionic Training

Mobile apps are the present and the future. Most businesses, irrespective of the sector, have now launched apps as a means of enhancing their client profile. The skills to develop mobile applications is in high demand right now. The increase in demand for mobile applications has also led to the creation of many frameworks that can be used to develop these apps. Ionic is one such framework that has found widespread acceptance. Ionic training can open the doors of the app development world for you.

What is Ionic?

Ionic is an open-source software development kit or SDK that can create hybrid mobile applications. Hybrid mobile applications run inside a native container on the device. The apps can be written in HTML, CSS, Angular, TypeScript or Javascript, and the browser engine is used to render them. This allows the apps to access the features of the device such as the location, camera etc.

In addition to this, the apps created using Ionic work across multiple platforms. You can also build high-quality desktop and Progressive Web Apps or PWAs with Ionic. Ionic is only a framework. It needs to be used in conjunction with a wrapper such as Cordova.

What are the Features of Ionic?

Ionic is a front-end SDK that uses Web Components to construct a user-friendly UI for your apps. Web components let you wrap a web page within the mobile application. Being a hybrid framework, Ionic gets the best of both worlds. You can create stunning UIs with the support of native animations and mobile components.

As mentioned above, Ionic uses the browser engine of the device. It uses the low-level browser shell instead of higher level browsers such as Safari or Chrome. This will be WebView in Android and UIWebView in iOS. These browser shells are wrapped by Cordova to enable Ionic apps to run as native mobile apps. The command-line interface lets you add the plugins for Cordova as well as other front-end packages. You can also build native binaries, create app icons and splash screens and enable push notifications. In short, everything you would want from a powerful and dynamic app can be created using Ionic.

Mobile app development teams can leverage the capabilities of Ionic AppFlow to automate every stage of the lifecycle of the app development from the native builds to sending out regular updates. AppFlow is a suite of mobile DevOps services that have been integrated into Ionic. Similarly, the development environment, Ionic Studio, can be used by development teams to improve their efficiency and streamline the process. With the AppFlow and Studio, Ionic has proved that it can be used by individual developers as well as development teams and it lends itself just as well to both purposes. It is truly a versatile framework.

Why Do You Need Ionic?

Ionic is definitely not the only app development framework in use. But it is the most popular one. And rightly so. Ionic overcomes the drawbacks of most of the other frameworks. The ease of using it combined with its benefits have given it the prime spot in the world of mobile app development.

Start Your Ionic Course Today!

An Ionic course is just what you need to perfect your skills and become a qualified mobile app developer. The mobile app industry is expected to generate a revenue of 188.91 billion USD by the year 2020. The demand for developers is increasing day by day. You can become a part of this industry by taking the Ionic course.

A comprehensive course that covers all the Ionic functionalities while giving you hands-on experience on using the framework is just what you need to become an Ionic developer. Enrol yourself for the best Ionic training today!

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