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How Does Fitbit Monitor Blood Pressure

fitbit blood pressure moniter

Blood pressure refers to the pressure of circulating blood on the walls of the blood vessels. Most of this pressure comes from the work carried out by your heart which pumps blood through your circulatory system. It also refers to the pressure of large arteries of the systemic circulation.

It is one of the vital signs like heart rate, oxygen saturation, a respiratory rate which you must track and monitor. When your blood pressure is too low it is called Hypotension and when you have blood pressure that is consistently high, it is called Hypertension.

Hypertension is one of the risk factors of strokes, heart failures, heart attacks, and also it has been found to be the leading factor in chronic kidney failure. Hypotension, on the other hand, shows through symptoms such as fainting, dizziness.

Some causes of hypotension are Sepsis, Blood loss, Cardiogenic Shock, Hormonal imbalance, eating disorders amongst others.

Remember your blood pressure changes with your heartbeat so it is largely determined by two measures. One, the highest pressure on the blood vessels caused by the heart contracting, and the lowest pressure when your heart is loose.

Your heart contracting is called Systolic pressure, when it loses it is called diastolic pressure. When a person is healthy, your systolic pressure stands at 120 mm Hg, and your diastolic rests at about 80 mm Hg.

Now when you have an increase in pressure above 140/90, you are said to have the condition called Hypertension. It is called the ‘silent killer’ because it is quite difficult to detect the existence of high blood pressure in the short term. However, as time goes on, it causes hardening of your blood vessels which could lead to blockage or rupture.

There are a lot of Fitbit devices that can be used to monitor your blood pressure. Is there a best one out of the list? Not really. However, if you need a wearable blood pressure monitor that comes in form of a wristwatch or a smartwatch, then there are some great choices from you to choose from. Plus, you can find some impressive styles of wristbands online to enable you to add a touch of your own personal style onto your device.

The answer to how does Fitbit monitor blood pressure? The answer is there is certain Fitbit device that tracks or monitors blood pressure. If you are into fitness, getting your hand on a fitbit device is definitely the way to go.

Not just any Fitbit device, but one that tracks or monitors your blood pressure. These devices come in handy and will help you monitor your heart rate as well as other important functions.

There are some best fitbit for blood pressure monitoring currently available and they are great to use. There are some devices that you can use and the best Fitbit for blood pressure is easy to get. Some wrist blood pressure monitors may be accurate if used just the way it is directed.

Although most people prefer using a home blood pressure monitor which uses your blood pressure measured from your upper arm other devices make use of your wrist or finger blood pressure.

Fitbit devices can use wrist blood pressure monitors because that is an extremely sensitive body position. It is also a good way to get an accurate reading when taken from the wrist position.

Although certain media practitioners say, taking blood pressure from the upper arm is more accurate than taking from the wrist. This is so because the arteries in your wrist are narrower and also not as deep under your skin as those found in your upper arm.

Some devices are designed to take your blood pressure from your upper arm but it might be difficult for some people are they have large upper arms or find the device painful to use in that spot. So, using a wrist unit in measuring their blood pressure might be best for them.

So, there are types of Fitbit blood pressure monitors and how they can be used to measure your blood pressure. They measure your blood pressure through;

Metabolism- what this means is your heart rate is monitored to make sure it is beating at the right number of beats per minute, calories you burn while exercising, then there is your blood pressure rate. This measures if your blood pressure is high or low. This rate is of utmost importance because it could signal some other serious issues in your health.

Sleeping- Fitbit would monitor your sleeping patterns by how long you sleep, how much of that time did you experience deep sleep. This is particularly important because when you are asleep, your boy has the time to repair himself. It gives your heart a chance to work at a slower rate and the device can monitor this.

Making you move- now, we know people can suffer from high blood pressure and low blood pressure. Been inert or sedentary for long periods of time isn’t best. when the device notices this, it would vibrate to remind you to get a move on. Take a walk, move around, just do not sit or lay down all day.

Exercise- Fitbit trackers will monitor your blood pressure through exercise. There are different kinds of exercises you can do, and your tracker will be right there with you.

It will measure the number of steps you take or taken( this is usually done by noticing how you swing your arms either while you swing you are walking or jogging), it also measures the distance you travel in addition to the number of active minutes covered by you.

So, current Fitbit devices can detect irregular heartbeats, atrial fibrillation, various other problems which can lead to a heart attack. These devices are awesome tools that can help you a lot in identifying serious health issues which might be dangerous to your life.

Ensure that your metabolism is checked regularly, your heart rate is also checked, your blood pressure is constantly monitored to make sure everything is fine.

Take advantage of the Fitbit blood pressure monitor devices today and improve your health.

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