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How Machines and Humans Are Interacting and Evolving to Work Together?

Machines and Humans

Previous work on human comfort and ease is showing that “Yes”, robots will someday replace humans as these have replaced the human who was working for many jobs, for example like innovative and different farming equipment’s have replaced humans and horses and decreases humans’ burden during the industrial revolution.

However, in the rapid change in these industrial changes, humans would be just needed to create and deliver value in new ways for brand new business strategies and models. Even it’s been a few months since the Premium Dissertation UK wrote this article, we are now more agreed than ever before that this is true!

According to the context of this article (and also much broader global context too), machines are usually described as computers and equipment related to computers, like robots, that are manufactured and programmed to learn from those given data and programs, sometimes like humans as the main goal of computers is decision power.

Sometimes we usually call this process and this equipment’s either tangible or intangible as artificial or (AI), sometimes we call it as machine learning, and sometimes we call this as robotics…or simply bots. And it’s true that these are totally different things in implementation and usage along with the technicality. But, related to the future of work, all these are totally interlinked and interrelated to each other.

Floors of factory use and implements robots that are almost all designed by machine learning algorithms and techniques in such a way that they can be adjusted to people working alongside them. Similarly, Artificial Intelligence is usually used for turning hand-drawn sketches (created by humans) into source code like digital source code.

Furthermore, Premium Dissertation UK experts have suggested that Artificial Intelligence is not just a hot and a new buzzword either nor just a term.

Unlimited Companies are now developing their AI applications and robotics expertise while having a concept that using these technological innovations, they would be able to

  1. A) reduce or cut costs;
  2. B) increase accuracy and efficiencies;
  3. C) offer new value propositions and market demand improvements;
  4. D) execute and develop new business models; or
  5. E) all of the above.

Perhaps it is true that you’re someone called users and audience who sees doom and bloom residing in these trends of AI and machines world. We are not trying to blame you if you do so. However, there are so many exciting examples where the opposite is genuine and true.

To be more realistic, we have seen so many same companies that are investing so much in AI and robotics are also determining that the best, cost-effective, most efficient, solutions include human beings and machines working together, and side by side with collaboration and efficiency.

Usually, machines are should be kept away from the public eye. But still, humans and machine interaction and partnership cannot be kept secret.

So, do you think that machines will replace humans for so many jobs? The answer is unequivocal and obvious, a big yes. However, I assert and its reality too that with other jobs taken over by machines, there will be a rational and equal number of opportunities and options for jobs to be accomplished by people or humans.

It’s the assumption that some of these human jobs will be of the innovative or creative type. And so many others will require human beings to complete their superhuman reasoning skills and work. In so many cases machines and humans will find and see themselves in symbiotic and mutual relationships, helping one another to do what they do best according to their stamina and abilities.

It’s a reality that humans and machines can work and will work together in the future as mutual partners…and they’re already doing so many works together today.

What do you think about it? How might we co-create or co-design the future work together? I mean humans and machines.

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