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How to design a conversion-optimized landing page form?

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Expedia was losing $12 million a year because of an optional field titled ‘Company’ on their landing page form. 

The form field confused visitors to enter the visitor’s bank addresses instead of home addresses. The result? Hundreds of failed transactions. After the company removed the field, the sales increased again. 

That’s how important landing page forms are. However, how to design a landing page form that converts? This article will offer the answer. 

In the next five minutes, learn the 8 best practices to designing a conversion-optimized landing page form:

  1. Why you must choose popup forms over embedded forms
  2. Why you must create mobile-responsive forms
  3. Why you must opt for multi-step forms
  4. Why you must choose a double-column form layout
  5. Why you must reduce the number of form fields
  6. Why you must opt for left-aligned field label placement
  7. Why you must include strategic microcopy
  8. Why you must offer social proof 

8 best practices to designing a conversion-optimized landing page form


Choosing popup forms over embedded forms

Thus, choosing popup forms must top your landing page form optimization checklist

Popup forms convert more as:

Creating mobile-responsive forms 

54.4% of global website traffic comes from mobile devices. Thus, if the landing page form isn’t mobile-responsive, you’ll lose over half the visitors. 

When building mobile-responsive landing page forms:

Opting for multi-step forms

Multi-steps convert 86% higher than single-step forms. 

Furthermore, a HubSpot experiment found similar results, with the number being 59.2% higher.    

Multi-step forms convert higher than single-step forms as:

However, never use multi-step forms for low-value offers such as ebooks and whitepapers.

Choosing a double-column form layout

HubSpot found choosing a double-column form layout over single-column ones resulted in a 57% higher conversion rate. 

A double-form layout leads to a higher landing page form conversion rate as:

Reducing the number of form fields

Thus, landing page form best practices must include reducing the number of form fields. Selling an ebook or an online course? Cut out the ‘Address’ form field. You never mean to call your leads? Never ask for their phone numbers. You get the vibe. 

Opting for left-aligned field label placement

Left-aligned field labels are the easiest and quickest to fill out. Here’s why:

Thus, left-aligned field labels become a landing page form optimization tool. While placing left-aligned field labels, make sure to:

Including strategic microcopy

Yoast included the phrase ‘there will be no additional costs’ to their checkout form. The result? 11.30% higher conversion rates. That’s the power of strategic microcopy.


Make sure the microcopy:

Offering social proof 

66% of customers are more likely to buy your products or services if the customers see social proof.  

Social proof:

Designing a conversion-optimized landing page form — it can skyrocket your business

3% is the industry average form conversion rate; with 5% being the highest conversion rate. Thus, reaching the highest conversion rate can skyrocket your business. 

In this guide, you’ve learnt 8 best practices for designing a conversion-optimized landing page form:

  1. How choosing popup forms over embedded forms lead to better conversion
  2. How creating a mobile responsive form lead to better conversion
  3. How opting for multi-step forms lead to better conversion
  4. How choosing a double-colum form layout lead to better conversion
  5. How reducing the number of form fields lead to better conversion
  6. How opting for left-aligned field label placement lead to better conversion
  7. How including strategic microcopy lead to better conversion
  8. How offering social proof lead to better conversion

The information will help you create landing page forms that convert better. 

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