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How to Live Stream on Twitch

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Are you longing to live on Twitch but on where to start? Worry no more. Here is an ultimate guide on how to live stream on Twitch. Live streaming cannot be mentioned without mentioning Twitch. Started as a gaming-first platform it has evolved in the past years to include content from all genres. Below are the steps involved in live streaming on Twitch.

  1. Creating a Twitch Account

This is the first step in the process of live streaming on Twitch. Usually, the best live streaming features are only available to registered users. This, therefore, makes it imperative for anyone planning to Livestream to create an account first just so he can freely interact with quality content. The procedure involved in creating a Twitch account is very straightforward. It only has three steps. Even better, the accounts are free. First, review the community guidelines. We highly suggest you market your Twitch channel on TikTok, and using TikTokStorm is the best solution for marketing on social media.

There exists a lot of jargon on the guidelines and legal section of the Twitch website. It’s therefore important to stick to the guidelines provided by the community just so you understand the steps and procedures faster.  Step; create an account. On your desktop, click the signup button and fill the form. On mobiles phones though, download the Twitch mobile app. You are then required to sign in with your mobile number first after which the email can be added.

 The final step in creating an account is enabling two-factor authentication. To broadcast on Twitch, you must enable two-factor authentication and this cannot be done on mobile devices. So go to your desktop, log into your account. While in the security settings, enable 2FA. A mobile phone is then used to complete the process.

  1. Choosing the type of software to use in live streaming on Twitch

Normally, for beginners starting to broadcast on Twitch from desktop, it is advised to use software encoders unless hardware encoders are readily available. This is the caveat though. The users should read and understand the differences that exist between software and hardware encoders and understand why this is so. Below are some popular options of software you can consider.

Here are some hardware’s to use when broadcasting on Twitch. It mustn’t or needn’t be the latest form of CPUs or the newest model of DSLR to broadcast on Twitch. The hardware doesn’t provide the best quality for video. Moreover, it doesn’t support 4k streaming as YouTube does. It is therefore possible for a person to get away with relatively low-quality videos. For those planning to Livestream on Twitch, it’s important to find the best streaming settings that match your requirements. These depend on the upload bandwidth, the power of your encoder, and the type and quality of content you intend to stream. If in search of hard numbers, there is a Twitch guide which is a good place to start. Through the guide, there are several basic recommendations including but not limited to the 720p@30fps stream.

Live Streaming is highly rewarding. Wondering how to start? Just get into these sites and familiarize yourself with the features of each platform and boom, you will be surprised at how easily accessible these services are.

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