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Streamlining Support: How Conversational Messaging Transforms Customer Service

Customer Service

Excellent customer service can be hard to provide. Giving personalized attention to clients can be time-consuming and expensive. Call centers can get big and expensive to maintain, and during busy times, customers may wait on hold for a long time just to reach a real person.

You can save money by reducing the size of your call center, but taking a less personal approach to customer service can frustrate clients. What’s the best option?

For many companies, the answer is conversational marketing. This innovative, omnichannel messaging technique offered by companies like Mitto can help you simultaneously meet the needs of many customers.

Conversational Messaging Engages with Consumers in Real Time

Conversational messaging is the practice of engaging with customers in real time without tying up all your human resources in a call center. When customers reach out to your business, AI chatbots and technology can be used to engage with your customers, so they can feel supported and heard by your business.

This leaves your customer service representatives free to engage in customer service that requires a higher level of personal care. Your customer service team can take care of VIP customers and address the issues that need a human touch.

Conversational Marketing Takes an Omnichannel Approach

Most customers make themselves available through a limited number of channels, but every customer is different. The more channels you use to reach your customers, the more customers you’ll be able to help.

Offering more channels to reach more people can endear your company to its customers and make every interaction easy.


SMS is a highly effective way to reach customers because it has a 98% open rate. It’s also a very cost-effective way to reach a lot of people at once.

Use your SMS campaigns and messaging to offer customized discounts, send reminders, pass along invoices, offer product recommendations, and more.


AI chatbots make it easy to support many customers without bloating your call center with extra workers. Chatbots meet the needs of customers who have simple questions and need fast answers.

Chatbots are getting more sophisticated every day, and they can tailor the conversation to the customer without requiring help from your staff.

Chat Apps

Chat apps can be used to engage with customers who want to interact with your business. Use chat apps and social media apps to allow customers to ask questions.

These AI chatbots can answer those questions and give customers the ability to pay for products through the chat, using Google Pay, Apple Pay, PayPal, and other payment options.

Conversational Commerce Revolutionizes Customer Service 

Conversational commerce with omnichannel messaging makes customer service easy for your business and a positive experience for your customers. Here’s how.

Expedited Problem Resolution

Don’t make your customers wait on hold. Instead, use conversational messaging to follow up with customers who have made a recent purchase. Reach out to them via SMS to ask them about their experience, and offer them the opportunity to provide feedback.

Use AI technology to help customers resolve any problems they may be experiencing before they’re able to contact your business about the issue.

Reduced Wait Times

When you use conversational messaging, your business will enjoy reduced call center wait times. This reflects well on your business and makes your customers happy.

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