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Things That Might Be Wrong With Your Website And How To Fix Them


When a guest comes to your home, you want to make a good first impression.


You wouldn’t invite people for dinner with a cluttered house and then would not feed them dinner…would you?

The same holds true for your website.

Your website is the face of your business and online home for all your business products and services. You must ensure that your online home is always ready to accept guests.

According to Nielsen Norman Group, the visitors that land on your business page read only 20% of the content.

If your website is a mess without a clear call to action button, visitors won’t be sticking around on your website.

With that being said, your website should be intuitive, contain high-quality images, and help visitors guide through the website’s product and services.

To assess whether your website meets the modern needs of your customer, we have listed down a few common issues that your website might be encountering and how to fix them.

Most Common Websites Problems: How To Fix Them


The website you build for your business will act like the foundation on which all your online marketing will depend. Hence, you must invest your time, money, and effort into maintaining it.

Poor performance of your website can hurt your ability to convert your visitors into paying customers.

Before we can move on to what’s wrong with your website, do a free website audit to have a basic idea of where your website is lacking.

Now that is clear, let’s jump to the website design problems.

Problem 1: Slow Loading Page

With businesses shifting their shop to online, customers today have a plethora of options. So, if your website is not loading in three seconds, more than 40% of visitors abandon the website.

It is not only true for your home page but all the web pages you have on your website.

How To Fix:

After your website design is complete, use a tool called Google PageSpeed Insight. This online tool will help you see just how fast your loading speed is. If the number is anything more than three seconds, work to bring it to three seconds.

Problem 2: Lack of Mobile Optimization

Nearly 70% of web searches happen from a mobile device. That means if your website is not mobile-friendly, you are missing out on potential customers.

Prioritizing mobile-based design for your website can help lower the site bounce rate and improve local search rankings.

How To Fix:

To ensure your website is mobile-friendly, see that your font, images, buttons, and navigation menu are proportionally on different handheld devices.

Problem 3: Poor Ui/UX Design

Yes, having a responsive web design does wonder for your business. But you cannot neglect the importance of usability and overall aesthetic looks.

Using a clean and clutter-free layout that makes good use of the brand’s color and high-quality images will help boost brand awareness and customer trust.

How To Fix:

Look for a website host that prioritizes customer convenience. Nothing beats a website that allows the customer to self-serve throughout the navigating process.

Problem 4: Broken Pages & Links

Nothing is more frustrating to a visitor than clicking a link and finding a 404 error. This shows your lack of care for your business and discourages visitors from making any purchase from such websites.

Furthermore, having broken links and pages on your websites send a red signal to the search engines. As a result, search engines might not prioritize your website from the next ranking.

How To Fix:

The easy fix for this problem is to run a periodical scan on your website to locate all the broken links, pages, and images. Once you know which link, page, and image are broken, you can simply replace them.

Problem 5: Lacks Human Element

A lack of human touch deteriorates visitors’ experience on your website. Customers who are emotionally connected to a brand will spend more time on the website than with a company that they are simply satisfied with.

That being said, take advantage of your website, build emotional relationships with your customers and boost customer loyalty.

How To Fix:

Simply adding human elements and touch points like content showcasing your brand’s story, a clear mission statement that speaks of your company’s ethics and values can help you give visitors the human touch they are looking for.

Was That Helpful!

A website is an important tool that differentiates your business from your competitors. You can capitalize on this opportunity to generate more revenue.

However, you must avoid making mistakes that can affect your website traffic. Before you launch your website, you must develop strategies to boost your website rankings in the search engines.

We hope that this article was helpful and answered the questions you were looking for.

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