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Things to know and do before investing in stocks

Invest In Precious Metals

What to know about stocks before investing? If this is a question that is plaguing you, the answers are all present here. Investing in shares and stocks may actually help you combat inflation while growing wealth sizably for the future along with giving you attractive returns. However, remember that there are risks inherent to these investments and considerable knowledge, experience and wisdom are needed for successfully setting up your portfolio. When you suitably understand and analyze the Indian stock market, you can actually time your investments to perfection and earn handsome returns although you should be prepared for market volatility, other risks and should know when to withdraw without getting greedy.

How to start investing in share market

Learning about the share market needs constant efforta and perseverance. You should make a note of the below-mentioned tips before you venture into stock market investing.

A few core areas that you should be familiar with include financial metrics, definitions including ROE, EPS, PE and market cap and also popular methods for timing and selecting stocks in tandem with technical and fundamental analysis. You should be familiar with terms like stop market orders, market orders, limit order, stop-limit orders, trailing stop-loss orders and other such types which are commonly used by investors in the market. Take into account things like GDP, fiscal deficit, inflation, crude oil prices and rupee values against the dollar.

On a closing note

Have a disciplined approach towards investing and never try to unduly time the market. Start out with smaller amounts and gain more knowledge and experience before spreading out and increasing your investments. Have practical and realistic expectations pertaining to returns as well. Keep tracking your investments in a bid to assess how they are performing.

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