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Windows Server Basics: 5 Tips for Getting Started

windows server

Microsoft Windows Server is a series of world-class operating systems designed to share services with corporate users.

These operating systems are created to provide comprehensive administrative control of data, applications, and shared access across networks. Development on this series of systems began in the early 1980s with Microsoft engineers wanting to create software that provided security and reliability to large organizations.

If you’re new to this revolutionary software system, read on for five tips for wrapping your head around the basics:

  1. It Is Feature-Rich

The competitive nature of business requires businesses to rely on only the best to meet their unique needs. Robust and dynamic server system requirements must be feature-rich.

The Microsoft Windows Server features that are worth mentioning at the top of this list include Active Directory, PowerShell, and Failover Clustering.

Active Directory provides centralized user management and simplifies administration.

PowerShell automates tasks and enhances software efficiency.

Failover Clustering minimizes downtime and ensures uninterrupted access while providing advanced health monitoring.

  1. Restrict Control

There are some essential basic things to know about mastering Windows Server, and one of them is to appropriately configure the security settings to prevent data breaches and control user access.

Use Group Policy to restrict users, giving them access to only perform tasks in their purview or scope of concern.

Moderating access to Control Panel and Command Prompt are the two best ways to start you on your security journey.

  1. Implement Group Policy

Managing a corporate IT infrastructure securely while ensuring streamlined productivity isn’t easy. With Group Policy, network IT administrators have a specially designed tool to manage configurations within your Active Directory users.

That is a hierarchical infrastructure system, which can be implemented with Windows Server Datacenter for streamlining software solutions.

Windows Server Datacenter provides unlimited virtualization rights, allowing your IT team to run endless virtual machines – making it the perfect solution for businesses needing more of them.

That is significantly beneficial for making tweaks to regulate work environments and helps to manage systems and apps by implementing the industry’s best practices.

  1. Remote Management

Windows Server has Remote Server Administration Tools which can be downloaded. You can download specific tools according to your selections, or you can download the complete set – it is up to you.

With the right tools installed, you can easily perform tasks and modify user accounts within the management console. That helps organizations hugely when they have multiple offices or buildings across states or even in other countries.

  1. Stay Updated

As with most software, updates are an essential part of how they operate at their prime.

Updates keep your server up to date with security and bug patches and fixes, protecting your database and assets from malicious software and hackers. Regular updates also keep your servers operating smoothly with the feature enhancements needed to keep your business software functioning at its best.

To End

There are multiple learning sources available for free online to help you dive into the wonderful world of Microsoft Windows Server operating systems.

You can find FAQs and handy how-to guides at the click of a button.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you don’t understand a topic, the more you ask, the more you will know.

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