When you’re confronted with a complaint from an employee that is related to harassment, discrimination, or retaliation, employers have the duty to investigate the complaint and take any action necessary to end this kind of misconduct. This is a duty that is required by law, and a prompt response is required. There are five main situations where an outside investigator is required to handle these problems.
- When There Is Perceived Or Actual Bias
An outside workplace investigator Sydney is necessary when the company’s internal investigator has prior knowledge of a situation or prior interactions that have taken place between the parties. These interactions can create something of a bias, albeit an unintentional one that can affect further investigations. An external investigator can serve as a neutral party so that they can make an objective examination of the situation.
- When There Is The Anticipation Of Litigation
If an employee has retained a lawyer, seems interested in pursuing litigation, filed a complaint of discrimination, or filed a complaint in court, then it would be a good idea to hirt an outside investigator. The reason for this is that the results of an internal investigator’s findings will also be a subject of the lawsuit, so it’s important that the company have as many credible witnesses as possible. An internal investigator in this matter might be seen as biased.
- When There Is Concern About Morale
An outside investigator demonstrates to the employees that the company takes complaints about discrimination and sexual harassment very seriously and that they are willing to find solutions in order to improve the workplace atmosphere. Employees who see this effort from their employers are less likely to see litigation, which can be good for everyone involved.
- When A High-Level Employee Is Involved
When a matter involves a superior or any witness who is of a higher level than the investigator, then it would be a good idea to hire an outside investigator. This is to eliminate any bias or fear of reprisal. Outside investigators can fully question the parties involved and make unbiased findings and recommendations without having to fear any repercussions for their findings.
- When There Are Ongoing Workplace Issues
Multiple complaints in regards to the same or similar workplace issues should be examined by an outside investigator. These compounded issues could be a sign of a larger systemic problem that cannot be handled by internal investigators. That’s because this kind of problem requires time and expertise of an investigator who is knowledgeable about employment matters so that they can make the necessary recommendations for training and policy changes the improve the workplace.
An external investigator serves to be an unbiased party when it comes to these serious matters, which is important when emotions are high during these upsetting times. If there are concerns that require immediate attention in your workplace, don’t hesitate to contact an attorney in your area to get set up with an outside investigator to help you take care of your workplace concerns.